tissue - a group of cells that are similar in structure and function, epithelial tissue - the covering, lining and gladular tissue, simple - epithelial tissue that is only one layer of cells, stratified - epithelial tissue that is mor than one layer of cells, pseudostratified - epithelial tissue that looks stratified but it is not; cells are different heights & the nuclei are at different heights, squamous - flattened epithelial cell, cilia - hairlike projections on some human cells, apical surface - free, unattached surface of epithelial tissue, basement membrane - the structure that epithelial cells rests on; "glue" that holds the epithelium in place, connective tissue - the protecting, supporting and binding together body tissue, vascular - tissues with a good blood supply, avascular - tissues that don't have a good blood supply, extracellular matrix (ECM) - nonliving substance located around connective tissue cells that contains, osseous tissue - bone tissue, adipose tissue - fat tissue, hyaline cartilage - type of cartilage in the body that forms the trachea, covers the ends of long bone and attaches the ribs to the sternum, dense fibrous connective tissue - type of tough tissue that composes tendons and ligaments, tendons - structures that attach muscle to bone, ligaments - structures that connect bone to bone at joints, muscular tissue - type of tissue specialzied for contractions and producing movement, skeletal muscle - type of muscle that is voluntary, striated, has multiple nuclie in each cell and is found attached to the human skeleton, smooth muscle - type of muscle that is involuntary, non-striated, single nucleus per cell and found in the digestive tract, uterus and organs, cardiac muscle - type of muscle that is involuntary, striated, and found only in the hear, nervous tissue - type of tissue that can send and recieve messages; major functions of this tissue include irritabilty and conductivity, neuroglia - a special type of supporting cell in the nervous syste , neuron - nerve cell that can send and receive electrical signals, voluntary muscle - muscles that move or contract under the conscious control of a person., involuntary muscle - muscles that do not move or contract under the conscious control of a person; these work automatically,
Histology Vocabulary Review
10th Grade
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