To fill someone in on something - To inform someone of something he or she missed , To make it to an event - To attend an event, Bogged down - Busy, involved in tedious details, To hear something through the grapevine - To learn of something through an unofficial channel, To give someone the boot - To make someone leave, to send someone away, to "lay someone off" (fire them), To leap at the chance: - To be eager to do something, to be very willing to accept an opportunity, Win-win, or a win-win situation - a situation that is beneficial to everyone concerned, To take on something - To become responsible for something. To agree to a new responsibility, Hold your horses: - Wait. Move more slowly., To put the cart before the horse - To do something out of logical order, to perform a step before its appropriate time., To have your eye on someone - To watch or examine someone closely., To go south - To go wrong. To end or stop because of problems., To get something - To understand something, To cover your back - To take steps that will protect you in the future. To be very shrewd and cautious in protecting yourself against being held responsible for potential problems., To hit the nail on the head. - To identify the important issues or main point of a situation with precision., Swamped - Very busy, To come through - To happen, to materialize, to become relevant, To fall on deaf ears - To be pointless to mention, suggesting that the person you'd like to talk to won't care about your complaint, opinion, or problem, To jump down someone's throat - To overreact and attack someone verbally, Cornered - Threatened. Feeling as if you don't have many options left., To go over someone's head - To not confront someone about a problem, but instead bring it up with another person who is higher in authority, To not hold your breath - To not wait for something to happen with much hope., To keep a low profile - To do nothing that would draw attention to you or distinguish you from others., Pink slip "To get a pink slip" - Notification that you've been fired. , Written in stone - Fixed, firm, unchangeable.,
Workplace idioms
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Výsledková tabule/Žebříček
Zobrazit více
Zobrazit méně
Tento žebříček je v současné době soukromý. Klikněte na
chcete-li jej zveřejnit.
Tuto výsledkovou tabuli vypnul majitel zdroje.
Tento žebříček je zakázán, protože vaše možnosti jsou jiné než možnosti vlastníka zdroje.
Možnosti vrácení
Spojte odpovídající
je otevřená šablona. Negeneruje skóre pro žebříček.
Vyžaduje se přihlášení.
Vizuální styl
Je vyžadováno předplatné
Přepnout šablonu
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Při přehrávání aktivity se zobrazí další formáty.
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