restless - bored, impatient, or dissatisfied and wanting some king of change., slope - an inclined portion of ground., mythical - based on or describes in a myth, might - great power, strength or force, to paddle - to swim slowly by moving your arms and legs gently through the water, motto - a short sentence or phrase giving a rule on how to behave which expresses the aims or beliefs of a person or institution, widespread - existing or happening in many places or situations, main - most important, largest, or most frequently used, summary - a brief clear statement that gives the most importante information about something, narrow-minded - not willing to accept or understand new or different ideas, beliefs, opinions or customs., thrill - a sudden and strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, recall, to - to remember, cope with, to - to deal succesfully with a difficult problem or situation, aloof - cold and distant, not friendly, delighted - very happy and pleased, bouquet - and arrangement of flowers, especially one that you give someone, ought to - should, gather, to - to come together in a group, or to put things together in a group, spectator - someone who watches an activity or event, skull - the bones in your head that surrounds your brain, crime - an illegal activity, dial, to - to choose the numbers on the cellphone to make a phone call, retort, to - to give an angry, humorous or sarcastic reply, major - a student's main subject at a college or university, dust - the fine dry powder made up of very small pieces of dirt that is found on surfaces that have not recently been cleaned, jog, to - to run at a slow, steady speed, usually for exercising, dye, to - to change the color of something, engage, to - to become involved in an activity, curvilinear - consisting or characterized by curved lines, bra - a piece of underwear that women wear to support their breasts,
CCAA Master 1 vocabulary review
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Tuto výsledkovou tabuli vypnul majitel zdroje.
Tento žebříček je zakázán, protože vaše možnosti jsou jiné než možnosti vlastníka zdroje.
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