Marbury vs. Madison - Court Case that established Judicial Review, Neutrality - Washington’s plan when it came to foreign countries, political parties are dangerous, avoid all permanent foreign alliances - advice from Washington’s Farewell Address, Federalists - political party had a loose interpretation of the Constitution, Democratic-Republicans - political party had a strict interpretation of the Constitution, Presidential cabinet - the group of people who give the president advice, John Adams - president during the XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts - President Adams took rights away from immigrants and made it a crime to publish articles that criticized the government. Violating the 1st Amendment., Judicial Review - Supreme Court determines whether a law is constitutional or not, Louisiana Purchase - bought from France in 1803, doubled the size of the U.S. , Spain - The country the U.S. purchased Florida from, Causes of the War of 1812 - Impressment of American Sailors, War Hawks pushed for land (Canada), N, Nationalism - pride in your country, Missouri Compromise - Compromise which Henry Class created which divided the North and the South, Monroe Doctrine - the statement Monroe gave to Europe saying they will not colonize in the Americas anymore, Effects of the War of 1812 - Manufacturing in the U.S. increases, Federalists are no more, nationalism grows, McCullough vs. Maryland - Case ruled that the fed. gov't is superior to the states, states can't tax the fed gov't, and they used the necessary and proper clause, Gibbons vs. Ogden - Case rules that Congress regulates interstate commerce (trade between states), XYZ Affair - al when French Agents attempted to collect a bribe from the US Government, Era of Good Feelings - Period of time where nationalism went up and there was only the Democratic Republicans.,
Early Republic Events: Washington to Monroe
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