Colour Test - Confirm the expected colour result. , Resistant hair - Tightly closed cuticle, Porosity Test - Run your thumb and finger along a starnd of hair from points to roots. , Permanent Colour - Small colourless molecules are oxidised and become large coloured molecules. , Quasi-permanent colour - Small molecules penetrate the cortex. , Incompatibility Test - Check for metallic salts. , Contra-indication - A medical condition that may restrict or prevent a treatment being carried out., Semi-permanent colour - It covers a small percentage and blends higher percentage of white hair. , Secondary colours - A combination of two primary colours. , ICC - International Colour Chart , Depth (colour) - Refers to the degree of lightness or darkness of a colour. , Eumelanin - Refers to the black and brown colour pigments in the hair. , Melanocytes - Produce the colour pigment melanin., Violet - Cancels unwanted golden tones in the hair., Warm Tones - Red, Orange and Yellow, Hair natural PH - 4.5-5.5, Pheomelanin - Pigment that is red and yellow. , 6 - Dark Blonde, Temporary colour - Large colour molecules coat the surface of the cuticle. , Lightening products - Lift the natural colour pigments in stages, starting with the darkest pigment., Skin Test - Determines if client is sensitive or allergic to colour product. , Porosity - The ability of the hair to absorb moisture, liquid, or chemicals. , Texture of the hair - Fine, medium, course, Strand Test - To monitor the colour development and condition of the hair. , Tepid - Name used to describe the temperature of the water when removing colour. , PPE - apron and gloves , Effective verbal communication - Use non technical language and be polite. , Effective non-verbal communication - Good eye contact and smile. , Influencing Factors - Existing colour, Lifestyle, Test Results, % white hair and Skin Tone , Colour Service Client Record - Name address and contact number, date of last skin test, any contra-indications, products used. ,
Colour Revision L2
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