Social/Cultural: family/kinship links , ethnic groups, social classes, and gender roles and relationships, regional music or literature/recreation and sports, inventions/ innovations/technology, influences of globalization, placelessness and cultural landscape, language, religion and cultural artifacts , Political: nations/nationalism and colonialism/imperialism, forms of government/ what defines a country , revolts/revolution/conflict and devolution, expansion of territory/sphere of influence, borders, and boundaries, supranational organizations and treaties , elections, candidates, and campaigns , regions/location and evolution of political maps, centripetal and centrifugal forces , Environmental: human-environmental interaction and land management, wildlife management and conservation, land resources= resources taken from the land , energy consumption , environmental health (air and water quality, radiation, etc.) and land degradation, changes in land usage , Economic: economic systems , agricultural systems , industrialization, manufacturing, and businesses, capitalism/socialism, labor movements, child labor, and jobs, education and average income, distribution of wealth, trade, exports and imports, purchasing power parity, consumption of goods and services , gentrification/ new urbanism , Demographic : factors that impact where people live, push and pull factors/ voluntary vs forced migration, urbanization, growth of cities, life expectancy, literacy rates, fertility rates, pronatalist and antinatlist policies, overpopulation, doubling time, and population densities, demographic transition model, makeup of population, aging population, and roles of women and effects on birth rate, Spatial : proximity, connectivity, location principles and models / why of where, diffusion, patterns,
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