tentative - unsure or hesitant, momentous - of far-reaching importance, ghastly - shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible, elite - a socially superior group, confidently - sure of oneself, deplete - to use up or reduce in amount, venue - the place of an event, intrigued - fascinated or captivated, spew - to force out in a large amount, envy - a feeling of wanting what someone else has, feat - an extraordinary act of achievement, ascend - to go up, despair - loss of hope, surge - to rise, rush, or swell in or like a wave, glisten - to shine or sparkle with reflected light, unearth - to dig out, plead - to beg, encase - to enclose in, deftly - moving quickly and skillfully, legacy - anything handed down from an ancestor or predecessor,

IEW Ancient History Lessons 1 - 20 Vocabulary (Quiz 5)

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