God, please bring students with completed lessons, God, please show us evidence of Your work in the hearts and lives of our students during Discussion, God, give us a smooth morning with no discipline issues, God, equip us to understand the heart of each child and help them understand your grace in each discipline situation, God gave Michael insight to His Word, his drawing really helps understand our lesson's aim, Let's give Michael a hand (of applause) for sharing his excellent drawing, Thank you for helping pick up the blocks. When we help others it makes us think of Jesus, who helps us when we ask Him, Good job picking up the blocks.You already know how to obey, God hears our prayers even when we think them quietly in our minds and do not say a word out loud, God is pleased when we are quiet at Quiet Time, Are you read to go back in and obey?, It is time to go back in and sit quietly in the circle so we may learn more about God, John, what do you have on question 7? You always have your Bible lesson done, John, what did God help you learn from the Bible lesson?, We can ask God to help us share our answers tonight, God is pleased when we share our answers with the group, What characteristics do you have that please God?, How is God using you to glorify Him?, When have you sacrificed watching a video to study the Bible and found that God gives something better?, Are you willing to give up 10 minutes each day to work on your Bible lesson?, How is your love for God growing as you study His Word?, What can you do to show God you love Him?, Will you commit to daily prayer to God?, When have you prayed and God turned your fear to joy?, How does knowing God has a plan for you life impact your plans for today?, What are you doing to live according to God's plan for your life?, How will you show kindness to someone today?, How does Jesus' kindness help you understand His love and care for you?.
God-Centered vs Moralistic Teaching
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