1) What is the English word for Queso Mozzarella? a) Mozzarella cheese b) Parmesan cheese c) Feta cheese 2) What is the English word for Queso Gorgonzola? a) Nata b) Feta cheese c) Gorgonzola cheese 3) What is the English word for Queso Parmesano? a) Nata b) Parmesan cheese c) Gorgonzola cheese 4) What is Queso Cheddar in English? a) Cheddar cheese b) Nata c) Parmesan cheese 5) What is Queso de Cabra in English? a) Cow cheese b) Goat cheese c) Sheep cheese 6) What is the English word for Nata a) Cream b) Butter c) Cheese 7) english word for tomate a) tomatoes b) mushrooms c) artichokes 8) what is the spanish word for fresh tomato a) tomates cherry b) tomate c) tomate natural 9) what is the spanish word for cherry tomatoes a) setas b) tomates cherry c) cebolla 10) spanish word for mushrooms a) setas b) champiñones c) cebolla 11) english word for setas a) onion b) artichokes c) mushrooms 12) spanish words for artichokes a) alcachofas b) alcaparras c) aguacate 13) spanish word for onion a) calabacín b) rúcula c) cebolla 14) caramelized onion in spanish a) cebolla b) cebolla caramelizada c) calabacín 15) eggplant in spanish a) berenjena b) granada c) higos 16) zucchini in spanish a) calabacín b) aceitunas c) piña 17) peppers in spanish a) pimientos b) aceitunas c) calabaza 18) olives in spanish a) alcaparras b) higos c) aceitunas

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