1) What is the purpose of my life? a) My purpose is to gain power so I can change the world. b) My purpose is to know God, love Him, enjoy Him, and glorify Him. c) My purpose is to get very wealthy so I can take care of myself d) My purpose is to get as much education as possible so I can teach others about the world 2) Who is God? a) God is me b) God is my mom c) God is my pastor d) God is he Creator and holds everyone and everything together 3) What is the Trinity? a) The Trinity is a cookie inside a pie inside a cake b) The Trinity is the truth that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One God c) The Trinity is fire, water, and earth d) The Trinity is the people, the government, and the world 4) What is Creation? a) Creation is God making everything out of nothing by His powerful Word b) Creation is whatever you make independent of God c) Creation is when you have a new idea and implement it d) Creation is when we destroy the patriarchy and instill our own will 5) What is the Fall? a) The first man and woman, Adam & Eve, fell over some branches in the garden and skinned their knees b) The first man and woman, Adam & Eve, named the season between summer and winter "the fall" when they saw leaves fall from trees c) The first man and woman, Adam & Eve, listened to Satan's lies and sinned, losing their perfect relationship with God d) The first man and woman, Adam & Eve, cut down trees to make their new house in the perfect garden 6) What is sin? a) Sin is everything in thought, word, and deed that is contrary to the will of God b) Sin is no big deal c) Sin is what we all do, so there is nothing wrong with it d) Sin is the fun part of life that leads only to enjoyment 7) How can people know how to please God if they are born sinful? a) You can't, so don't bother b) There is no way to know, as God never told anyone c) God's Word (the Bible) shows us and instructs us as to what pleases God d) Whatever pleases you will please God, because He loves you and just wants you to be happy doing your own thing 8) Will God allow our sin to go unpunished? a) Who is God to punish me? b) What is there to punish? I got what I wanted c) Even if I sin, I don't have to stop because Jesus loves me d) No. Every sin offends God and must be punished, because He is Just and Holy 9) How is it possible to escape the punishment for our sin? a) Run really fast so God can't catch you b) Hide really well, so God can't see you c) Just say you're sorry, even if you don't mean it. He will be happy you at least attempted to apologize d) God sent Jesus the Redeemer to rescue us and take the punishment for our sin 10) Who is the Redeemer? a) The cashier who collects money and coupons b) God, the Son, Jesus Christ is the Redeemer c) Your mom d) Your pastor 11) Why was it necessary for Christ the Redeemer to die? a) He didn't die, they made the whole thing up b) Jesus deserved it after the way He disagreed with the religious leaders, maybe He should have obeyed them c) Death is the punishment for sin, and Jesus willingly died on the cross in our place d) Because He was old, and it was just His time 12) Why must the Redeemer be truly human? a) Only a perfect human being could pay for the sins of other human beings b) Because the giraffes didn't want to c) Because people didn't have enough money to pay God off d) Because they ran out of sheep and couldn't find one in time for the sacrifice 13) Why must the Redeemer be truly God? a) Because giraffes are still only giraffes b) Because Jesus is God, He is infinite and holy c) The blood of Jesus can pay the penalty for an infinite number of sins d) B & C 14) Is Jesus the only Savior? a) No, you can save yourself if you try really hard b) No, you can choose from any religion, all roads lead to God c) Yes. No one can be saved except through faith in Jesus Christ d) Eh, you don't really need to be saved, you're just fine as you are 15) What is faith in Jesus Christ? a) Faith is forsaking all other means of saving our souls and believing the gospel taught in Scripture b) Faith is the belief that the Son of God, Jesus, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin, lived a perfect life, suffered for us, was crucified, dead, buried, and rose alive three days after, and sits very much alive still at the right hand of the Father c) Faith is that we who believe this can also have eternal life d) All of the above 16) Where does faith in Jesus Christ come from? a) Your pastor and Bible teachers will bestow it when you are ready b) You get it when you turn 13 c) Faith comes when you have donated enough money to a charity d) Faith is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit 17) What is grace? a) My friend next door b) When you are really nice to people c) It is when you say a blessing over your food before eating d) Grace is God's powerful kindness poured out on the undeserving 18) What does justification mean? a) Just as if I never sinned b) God declares you righteous because you trust and believe in the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ c) Since Jesus died, I am justified in continuing to sin, since He already paid for it d) It means I have the authority to decide what is just 19) Who is the Holy Spirit? a) A ghost who was stabbed or shot when he died, leaving holes through him b) The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, sent by God to dwell within God's children c) He is eternal God, as fully God as God the Father and Jesus the Son d) B & C 20) How does the Holy Spirit help God's children? a) He convicts us of sin and gives us faith to believe and obey God b) He unites us with Christ and assures us we are God's children and comforts and guides us c) He sanctifies us, keeps us safe, helps us pray and understand God's Word d) All of the above 21) What does sanctification mean? a) It is the process of a boat sinking b) It's what you say when you don't know what to say c) It is the Holy Sprit's work of growing us in holiness to be like perfect and righteous Jesus d) It is a painful, intrusive operation to properly clean your insides 22) Why do God's children still sin? a) We are tempted to sin by our own sinful nature, as well as Satan b) We don't really sin, that's just mean adults who want to destroy your good time c) Even though we know the joy of obedience to God, we are still weak d) A & C 23) What defines or describes the Providence of God? a) God wisely directs and permits all that happens in His creation b) He involves Himself in all events and directs all things to accomplish His good purposes c) Nothing, neither health or sickness, riches or poverty, happens by chance, but comes directly from God's loving hands d) All of the above 24) What is prayer? a) It is something that accompanies "thoughts" when you want to cheer someone up b) It is when you call up God and lay out your demands, and if he doesn't deliver in 30 minutes or less, you get a bonus blessing in your next prayer c) It is talking with God by praising Him, thanking Him, confessing our sins to Him, and asking Him for our needs and desires d) What you do when things aren't going according to your plan 25) What is the Bible? a) Just a book some ancient men wrote b) It is God's truth, taught in words by the Holy Spirit to His prophets and apostles, divined by God, completely true and without error c) A bunch of outdated rules that mean nothing today d) Just one of many folk tales about God 26) What is the church? a) One of many buildings where people go to hang out just on Sunday mornings and sometimes Wednesday nights b) A place of snotty do-gooders who don't know what "fun" is c) It is a community of God's redeemed people, now and forever d) That place to get a free turkey at Thanksgiving and free presents at Christmas 27) Where is Jesus now? a) Jesus is alive in heaven b) Still rotting in a cave c) Waiting for Halloween, because everyone loves a good ghost at the party d) In Hollywood, doing public miracles for His new reality show 28) Will Jesus return? a) Yes, Jesus will return personally and physically, first to rule and reign in His Kingdom and then to judge the world and Satan b) No, He changed His mind c) No, once was enough d) No, He already did His part, I can take over from here by myself 29) What is eternal life? a) What happens when you drink from the Fountain of Youth b) Never dying because all your broken body parts can just be upgraded to prosthetic machines c) It is the gift from God that comes from believing, knowing, and loving God and Jesus Christ d) That feeling like you're never going to graduate from school
Basic Truths of the Christian Faith
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