1) A teacher centered educational philosophy that aims to instill students with the "essentials" of academic knowledge, patriotism, and character development. This philosophy advocates the back to basics approach meant to train the mind. a) Essentialism b) Existentialism c) Colonialism d) Professionalism 2) A teacher centered educational philosophy that believes the goal of education should be to develop rational thought and to discipline minds to think rigorously. a) Organism b) Facilitator c) Essentialism d) Perennialism 3) A student centered educational philosophy that organizes schools around the concerns, curiosity, and real-world experiences of students; facilitates learning by helping students formulate meaningful questions and devise strategies to answer those questions. a) Existentialism b) Social Reconstructionism c) Progressivism d) Essentialism 4) A student centered educational philosophy that encourages schools, teachers, and students to focus their studies and energies on alleviating pervasive inequities, as the name implies. a) Social Reconstructionism b) Existentialism c) Culturalism d) Essentialism 5) A student centered philosophy that seeks to train students to develop their own unique understanding of life. The classroom typically involves the teachers and school laying out what they feel is important and allowing the students to choose what they study. a) Realism b) Philosophialism c) Essentialism d) Existentialism 6) Which of the following levels of Georgia Tiered Certification is for new teachers with one to two years of experience? a) Advanced/Lead Professional b) Induction c) Preservice d) Professional 7) Which of the following levels of Georgia Tiered Certification is for very experienced teachers with five or more years AND advanced degrees? a) Induction b) Advanced/Lead Professional c) Preservice d) Professional 8) According to the Teacher Retirements System of Georgia, what is the maximum amount of years for creditable service? a) 30 b) 35 c) 40 d) 45 9) Number of years a clear and renewable certificate is valid. a) 5 b) 40 c) 10 d) 2 10) Where does the funding for vouchers come from? a) Government money b) School money c) State money d) Taxpayer money 11) Professional organization for any educator in Georgia aligned with the NEA. a) AFT b) GAE c) NAE d) PAGE 12) The largest professional interest group in the United States. It represents public school teachers and other support personnel, faculty and staffers at colleges and universities, retired educators and college students preparing to become teachers. a) AFT b) GAE c) NEA d) PAGE 13) An elected council that helps determine educational policy in a small regional area, such as a city, council, state or province. a) Governance b) Board of Education c) US Department of Education d) Unions 14) Which of the following groups has the greatest level of control over individual schools? a) Local School Boards b) Federal Government c) State Government d) Universal Government 15) Which of the following levels of Georgia Tiered Certification is for experienced teachers with three or more years of experience? a) Advanced/Lead Professional b) Induction c) Preservice d) Professional 16) Which of the following is considered to be the Father of Public Education? a) Booker T Washington b) Horace Mann c) John Dewey d) Lyndon B Johnson 17) Which of the following court cases started the segregation of schools in order to create "separate but equal" school for Caucasian and African American students? a) Brown v. Board of Education b) Marbury v. Madison c) Plessy v. Ferguson d) Roe v. Wade 18) A student was found in possession of prescription of ibuprofen pills at school and stated that the pills had come from another student, 13-year-old Savana Redding. School officials searched Redding's backpack and outer clothing and didn't find any pills. They then directed her to remove all of her clothing down to her underwear and even pulled out her bra and the elastic band on her underwear. The family sued the school district. a) Everson v. BOE b) Lemon v. Kurtzman c) Regents of the University of California v. Bakke d) Stafford Unified School District #1 v. Redding 19) African-American student had to walk five miles to the local school that enrolled minority students, when a "white" school was right across from her house. Her parents (along with some others) sued the local school board on the grounds that she was being denied equal protection guaranteed by the Constitution. The school board claimed that the schools were "separate but equal." Eventually this case made it to the Supreme Court. a) Brown v. BOE of Topeka, Kansas b) Epperson v. Arkansas c) Lemon v. Kurtzman d) New Jersey v. TLO 20) Pennsylvania and Rhode Island statutes provided state aid to church-related elementary and secondary schools. A group of individual taxpayers and religious liberty organizations filed suit, challenging the constitutionality of the program. They claimed that, since the program primarily aided parochial schools, it violated the 1st Amendment. a) Brown v. BOE of Topeka, Kansas b) Epperson v. Arkansas c) Lemon v. Kurtzman d) New Jersey v. TLO 21) Ellen is very nervous this morning. She is taking the SAT for the second time. She has been studying non-stop so that she can improve her math score and have a better chance of getting into the college of her choice. a) Formative Assessment b) Summative Assessment c) Authentic Assessment d) Norm Referenced Assessment e) Criterion Referenced Assessment 22) Jamal is so excited. He just passed his final exam in his physics class. a) Formative Assessment b) Summative Assessment c) Authentic Assessment d) Norm Referenced Assessment e) Criterion Referenced Assessment 23) Pamela and Monique are sharing their responses to a question the teacher asked during a lesson on complete sentences. They thought about their responses separately, then shared their answers with each other, and then with the class. a) Formative Assessment b) Summative Assessment c) Authentic Assessment d) Norm Referenced Assessment e) Criterion Referenced Assessment 24) Sam will meet with his art teacher this week to present his portfolio and discuss each piece. The quality of his portfolio will determine a major part of his grade. a) Formative Assessment b) Summative Assessment c) Authentic Assessment d) Norm Referenced Assessment e) Criterion Referenced Assessment 25) The entire school is testing this week. Students are taking the new EOC Georgia Milestones tests. In this specific assessment, the focus is on a comparison between them and others who take the same test. a) Formative Assessment b) Summative Assessment c) Authentic Assessment d) Norm Referenced Assessment e) Criterion Referenced Assessment 26) Teachers are culturally responsive when they hold all students to __________standards. a) Same b) Different c) High d) Low e) No 27) _______ assessments such as debates and portfolios should be used as a practice that promotes learning.. a) Authentic b) Formative c) Summative d) Teacher e) Student 28) When teachers make connections between classroom and the world beyond, they are __________. a) Culturally Deprived b) Culturally Naïve c) Culturally Insufficient d) Culturally Responsive e) Culturally Focused 29) Learning is both a cognitive and social and _________ process. a) Intellectual b) Emotional c) Moral d) Physical e) Continual 30) __________ means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities while _______ recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. a) Equality and Equity b) Equality and Justice c) Equity and Equity d) Equity and Justice
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