Triggering Phase - Incident or situation that initiates an aggressive response. , Escalation Phase - Clients responses represent escalating behaviors that indicate movement toward a loss of control, Crisis Phase - During an emotional and physical crisis, the client loses control, Recovery Phase - Client regains physical and emotional control, Postcrisis Phase - Attempts to reconcile with others and returns to the level of functioning before the aggressive incident, Triggering (Signs) - Restless, anxiety, irritability, pacing, muscle tension, rapid breathing, perspiration, loud voice, anger, Escalation (Signs) - Pale/flushed face, yelling, swearing, agitation, threatening, demanding, clenched fists, threatening gestures, hostility, loss of ability to solve the problem or think clearly, Crisis (Signs) - Loss of emotional and physical control, throwing objects, kicking, hitting, spitting, biting, scratching, shrieking, screaming, inability to communicate, Recovery (Signs) - Lowering tone of voice. Decreased muscle tension, clearer and more rational communication, physical relaxation, Postcrisis (Signs) - Remorse, apologies, crying, quiet, withdrawn behavior, Triggering (Interventions) - Speaking calmly and nonthreateningly, conveying empathy, listening, offering PRN meds, suggesting retreat to a quiet area, Escalation (Interventions) - Use a directive approach. Take control of the situation, use a calm, firm voice for fiving directions. Direct the client to take a time-out in a quiet place. Offering PRN if previously denied, make a show of force, Crisis (Interventions) - Experienced, trained staff can use techniques of seclusion or restraint to deal quickly with the aggression, Recovery (Interventions) - Help client relax, assist them to regain self-control and discussing the aggressive event rationally, Postcrisis (Interventions) - Reintegrate the client,
Stages of Crisis
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