Federalists: The power of the government is separated into three independent branches thus it is already protecting the rights of the people., A listing of rights can be a dangerous thing., Since we can't list all the rights that people have it is better not to list any at all., If the national government were to protect specific listed rights, what would stop it from violating rights other than the listed ones., Each branch of government represents a different aspect of the people, and because all three branches are equal, no one group can assume control over another., Americans do not need to be afraid of tyranny. The Constitution places strict limits on the power of the president., The Constitution provides protection against tyranny with a system of checks and balances., The national government would be so good at protecting the rights of the people that it would soon gain their loyalty and support. It will not result in tyranny because the power of government is limited by the Constitution., Anti-Federalists: The American people have just fought a war to defend their rights, and they do not want an intimidating national government taking those rights away again., The U.S. Constitution has given too much power to the national government at the expense of the state governments., The executive branch has been given too much power., There is no bill of rights in the Constitution and there needs to be one., It appears that the government will fall into the hands of the few and the great. This will be a government of oppression., Without a Bill of Rights, you will exhibit the most absurd thing to mankind that ever the world saw a government that has abandoned all its powers, the powers of taxation, the sword, and the purse., This new government that the Constitution has created will lead to a new kind of tyranny., More power should be given to the states and to the people., A republican government (where people vote for their leaders) will not work in a country as large as the United States., It will be impossible to keep an eye on the government in a country as large as the United States.,
Federalists & Anti-Federalist Arguments
8th Grade
Social studies
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