So, thank you for agreeing to answer the questions of our survey. I’d like to remind you that it’s anonymous and you don’t have to give your name., Okey. Let’s start then., Where do you live and what are you up to these days?, I’m from Brighton, and in two years I’m going to do Chemistry in the University in my home town. But so far I’m at school and have enough free time for my hobbies., Ha, that means you are good at time management. What do you do when you have free time?, Well, I adore going to the beach with my Dad and Mum and brother Saul and Glossy, the dog. Ours is a resort town, and there’s hardly any local who cannot swim well. Last summer I outdid Mum, and she is the champion of her department at work., You look so determined! I bet you’ve got a part-time job, haven’t you?, On Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m not too busy with my studies after school, and I go to Pauline, a colleague of parents», to sit with her children. It lets me make my own pocket money and spend part of it on my present hobbies. In fact, I seem to have had dozens of hobbies and tried my hand here and there. My three major hobbies have been and still are playing the electric piano, training Glossy and soap-making., Unbelievable! Tell us how it all started., Well, the oldest of the three is playing the electric piano. I attended music lessons for 5 years and really adored classic music, because at home I could switch on the organ sound and enjoy the greatness of Bach and Mendelssohn. Now I hunt for the notes of fi lm soundtracks and sometimes pick them out by ear. We play them in a music band with Wendy and Sonia, my friends from school., Is there a hobby that you share with a member of your family?, The latest hobby is homemade soaps. Looking for recipes, trying new ingredients and getting fragrances from oils, fruit and herbs sounds like wizardry. Father at fi rst said that I’d burn the kitchen and Glossy would have headaches because of the smell, but now he is deeply involved in it and runs the register of the newly tried sorts., Sounds great! So, do you think it can become a family business?, Everyone in our street seems to know about my hobbies. Neighbours remind me of coming fairs and fests celebrated on the special ground in the park. We participate in them with the dog and the band. And also get orders for soaps!.
OGE Listening task 3 Script
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