First rocks are broken into smaller pieces by ____. Then agents of ____ carry the sediments away. Eventually the sediments are dropped in a new place. This process is called ____. This happens over and over and ____ are formed. These sediments are squeezed together from the pressure of the layers above, or ____. Then minerals enter the tiny spaces between the sediments and the rock is glued together through a process called ____. That is how ____ rocks are formed. Fossil fuels are are found in sedimentary rocks. We use three types of fossil fuels. ____ is a liquid fuel that is used in many ways to make a wide variety of products. It is formed mainly in the sediments in ____ environments. The organic matter needed came from ancient microscopic ____. ____ is often found where petroleum is found and is in the form of a gas. A solid fossil fuel is ____. It is formed when most of the organic matter is from ____, so it is found in land environments. These fuel resources are ____ because they take millions of years to form.

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks and Fossil Fuels Missing Word (5th Gr Science)

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