1) You are talking about your favorite sports team. You share your team’s stats, injury list, and win record from the past three years. You notice your friends are quiet and a few roll their eyes when you keep talking. a) too much information b) not enough information c) just right information 2) Your teacher asks you to share about your weekend. You respond, “I did some stuff .” She looks at you and waits. “I went to a couple of places too” you offer. She looks confused and asks you to be more specific.You are talking about your a) too much b) not enough c) just right 3) Your friend asks what homework they missed today in math. You say, ”We have math, page 43, odd problems and the pyramid project to finish.” Your friend thanks you.favorite sports team. You share a) too much b) not enough c) just right 4) You are talking to your dad about your birthday. You tell him all the video games and accessories you want, going into great detail about each game. Dad interrupts to tell you he has to get to work.your team’s stats, injury list, a) too much b) not enough c) just right 5) You start yelling about how unfair the situation is and how unbelievable it is that you are being treated this way! Your friend looks confused and asks, “Um, what’s going on and why are you so upset?”and win record from the past a) too much b) not enough c) just right 6) Your teacher asks you to explain your project to the class and you respond,” Well, it’s about science. We worked on the parts and came up with some ideas. So yeah, that’s it.”three years. You notice your a) too much b) not enough c) just right 7) You have been going on and on about your favorite TV show that was on last night. No one has asked any questions or made comments for a while. Your best friend interrupts you and says, “Dude, enough!!”friends are quiet and a few roll a) too much b) not enough c) just right

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