Correct: Takes a step or two without support., Walks without assistance., Throws ball while sitting., Picks up small objects with thumb and index finger., Makes a few marks on paper., Builds a crooked tower of two or three bricks., Fills and empties containers., Uses cup and holds spoon in palm., Squats and stoops without losing balance., Notices attributes of objects., Uses one word sentences., Uses physical trial and error to solve problems., Gestures when talking., Points and vocalizes wants., Looks for hidden objects in the last place seen., Seeks attention., Shows affection., Has intense separation anxiety., Looks at person speaking to him or her., Resists sleeping even when tired., Incorrect: Is ready to start potty training., Jumps down with both feet., Jumps up with both feet., Helps wash hands., Scripples., Climbs on play equipment., Kicks ball with legs straight and little body movement., Carries a large or several small toys while walking., Runs awkwardly, but can't easily change directions., Can speak in complete sentences., Involves others in play., Repeats a few rhymes or songs., Know where objects are hidden in another room., Says about 300 words., Does not seek attention., Doesn't care when mom leaves them., Doesn't recognize who is speaking to them., Acts happy even when frustrated.,
Milestones for a toddler of 12-18 months.
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Child Development
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