north - Scotland is __________ of England., capital city - The _____________ is Edinburgh., population - The _________ of Scotland is 5.5 Million., flag - The ___________ of Scotland is blue and white., money - Scotland has its own ______ - The Scottish pound, islands - Scotland has more than 790 ___________., mountains - Scotland has many _______ called the Highlands., hills - The Lowlands are smaller ___________ and valleys., monster - People believe there is a ___________living in Loch Ness!, sheep - An animal with white wool., stomach - Haggis is a sheep's _______________., golf - __________ was invented in Scotland., football - Scotland's favourite sport is ___________., spring - The season after winter., strength - The Highland Games are a test of ___________., popular - Caber toss is the most __________ activity., throw - People try to ______ a tree trunk,

Scotland - Find the match


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