Anaconda Plan - A plan created by Union General Winfield Scott that would isolate the south by blocking southern ports, claiming the Mississippi River, and cutting the Confederate army in two, Theater - An area in which an event or events occur, Martial Law - Suspension of ordinary laws, citizens rights, and local governments and puts the military in charge, Neutral - Not favoring a side in an argument, dispute, or fight, Ironclad - The first warships to add iron plating to the sides of the ship for protection, Casualty - A term used to account for the number of people injured, missing, or killed in an event or battle, Reinforce - To add strength or make a position stronger by sending supplies, people, or infrastructure, Blockade - A military action that prevents goods from entering or exiting a specific location, Emancipate - The process of freeing a group of individuals, Desertion - To abandon an organization, group, or military branch; usually seen as treasonous or disloyal, Enlist - To join a branch of the armed services, Habeas Corpus - A protection in the Constitution that prevents the indefinite imprisonment of someone that is accused of committing a crime, Inflation - A rise in prices, Draft - Mandatory participation in the military, usually done through a lottery, Total War - A strategy that relies on an all-out attack with the goal of destroying an enemies supplies, resources, and will to fight, Levy - To impose, usually a tax,

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