Energy - the ability to do work, Gravity - A type of force between any two objects. The closer the objects are to each other, the greater the force. The larger the mass of an object, the greater the force., G-Force - a measure of acceleration, Centripetal Force - Center-seeking force. This real force causes an object to move in a circle. (Ball twirled on a string), Inertia - Resistance to movement or change in movement., Kinetic Energy - The energy of motion. Anything moving has kinetic energy, Potential Energy - Stored energy. (Examples: Wind-up spring toy, rubber band stretched or a lifted book or marble waiting to fall.), Acceleration - Any change in speed ( velocity ) or direction; positive acceleration is speeding up, negative acceleration is slowing down., Motion - Any kind of movement, Conservation of Energy - energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another, Velocity - Speed with direction included, Mass - The amount of stuff something is made of. (Also its weight on earth. Weight changes with gravity, but mass does not.), Weight - The force of an object pulled toward the earth (or planet ) due to gravity. (In the absence of gravity, an object is weightless.), Momentum - This is speed and mass put together. Momentum = m x v. The mass of an object multiplied by its velocity., Friction - The force that resists motion such as Air, Water, or when two surfaces rub against each other.,
Roller Coaster Physics
Middle School
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