Martin Luther - started the Protestant Reformation, consistory - moral police, predestination - belief that God knew who would be saved, Henry VIII - king who wanted a male heir, thus breaking away from the church, Elizabeth I - queen who made peace with the Catholic and created the Anglican Church, Mary Queen of the Scots - tried to return England to Catholicism, Council of Trent - this meeting was called to help reform the Catholic Church, define Church doctrine, and help the Church regain its power., Inquistion - church court, used to try heretics , Ignatius of Loyola - former solider who came a priest and founded the Jesuits, heliocentric - sun centered view of the universe, proposed by Copernicus, Galileo - scientists from Italy that is credited for creating a telescope, seeing the moons of Jupiter and finding sun spots, alchemists - Medieval scientists , Sir Francis Bacon - proposed a systematic method to study science, "Old" Science - reliance on the Ancient Greek and Romans , accepted churches thoughts on science, "New" Science - asked questions, used math, Scientific Method, debate, and published works,
AVID Strategy: Review Protestant Reformation-Scientific Revolution
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