Now the squirrels want to help Clumsy to find the goat in the wood., Her name is Gracie and we need to help her., The wood is not her home., Her home was the farm., And she is very useful to people., She gives them warm wool and special milk., Clumsy and the squirrels go through the wood., They want to help the bear., It's great fun to go with the squirrels., The squirrels are so noisy!, So now Clumsy is not afraid of the shadows in the dark wood., He sees that these are only shadows of dry branches and roots., Suddenly, Clumsy stumbles over a tiny heap of earth and falls down., There is a hole in the ground., I've got four legs, strong paws with claws, and a long nose with whiskers., I'm the ugliest animal of all., Why do you think you are the ugliest?, Because I live under the ground and I'm not useful., I'm the unhappiest animal in the wood., It's dark and wet there., I dig and dig and I never see the sun or the flowers overhead because I'm building my house., You think so because you've never seen a river., In the river you can see how nice you are!, So I will never see myself...,



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