annual - (adj) relating to a period of one year, based in - (phrase) working or living in a particular place, commercial - (adj) connected with buying and selling goods and services; connected with carrying goods or passengers who pay, competitor - (n) a person or an organixation that tries to be better than others, especially in business, convenience food - (phrase) food that you buy frozen or in a box that you can prepare and cook very quickly and easily, employ - (v) to give sb a job to do for payment, employee - (n) a person who is paid to work for sb, environment - (n) the natural world in which people, animals, and plants live, exporter - (n) a person, company, or country that exports goods )sells them to another country), guide - (n) a book that gives information about a place for travellers or tourists, head office - (n) main office of a company, lock - (n) a device that keeps sth suvh as a a door, lid, etc. closed, usually needing a key to open it, manufacture - (v) to make goods in large quantities, using machinery, mechanism - (n) a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task, offer - (v) to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth, operate - (v) to work in a particular way or from a particular place, produce - (v) to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities, product - (n) something taht is produced or grown to be sold, provide services - (phrase) to offer facilities for the public to use, recycled packaging - (n) materials used to wrap goods that have already been used once, in order to reduce waste and harm to the environment, retail - (n) the selling of goods to the public, usaully through shops, sales - (n pl) the number of items sold, security system - (n) things that protect a building or place agianst crime, danger, etc., sell - (v) to give sth to sb in exchange for money, signature - (n) your name as you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter, specialize in - (phrase) to be an expert in a particular area of work, study, or business, subsidiary - (n) a company that is owned or controlles by another larger company),
Business Result Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 1
Irregular Verbs
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Výsledková tabule/Žebříček
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chcete-li jej zveřejnit.
Tuto výsledkovou tabuli vypnul majitel zdroje.
Tento žebříček je zakázán, protože vaše možnosti jsou jiné než možnosti vlastníka zdroje.
Možnosti vrácení
je otevřená šablona. Negeneruje skóre pro žebříček.
Vyžaduje se přihlášení.
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