Asking for repetition : Would you mind repeating that for me again?, Would you mind going over that one more time?, Sorry, could I ask you to tell me that (piece of information) again?, Could you clarify what you meant by (challenging word)?, Just a second, could I get a little more clarification on (X topic)? I just want to be sure I understood., Sorry to interrupt, but I didn’t catch that. Could you run it by me one more time?, Could you be more specific?, I don’t think I got your meaning. Could you go over that again?, I don’t think I quite understand what you meant. Would you mind repeating that?, Confirm your understanding: Let me see if I understood correctly., Can I just check what I got from that?, I’d just like to confirm that I got that right., My impression of what you said was… Is that what you meant?, So what you are saying is… Does that sound right?, You mean that we should (do X action and Y action). Is that right?, Do I understand you mean…, If I understand you correctly, you are saying…, Am I reading your suggestion right, when you said…?, You mean…?, I think you are saying…, In other words…, Thank and show understanding: Thanks for clarifying. I understand better now. , Thank you for repeating that. It makes more sense to me., Thanks for explaining your point of view again. That helps me see where you’re coming from., Thanks. We seem to be on the same page now., I appreciate the clarification. Glad we agree on that.,
clarifying information
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