1) Do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office? Is there a balance of both that you like best? 2) What’s the hardest part about your work for you? The easiest? 3) How do you stay productive and motivated? 4) Are you an early bird or night owl? 5) Best book you’ve ever read? 6) If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be? 7) What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 8) Your favourite apps. 9) Coffee or tea? 10) What’s your favorite place of all the places you’ve travelled? 11) What’s is one thing we don’t know about you? 12) What are you most excited about this year? 13) Name one habit you have. 14) When you're not working, how do you like to spend your time? 15) What’s been on your mind lately? 16) Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self? 17) What does success mean to you? 18) If you had to choose only 3 adjectives to describe yourself, which would you choose? 19) At what job would you be terrible? 20) For what are you most grateful today? 21) What’s something you’re worried about (professionally)? 22) What’s the last thing you completed that you’re proud of? 23) When you’re feeling stressed, how do you deal with it? 24) What’s something you’re looking forward to and why? 25) Do you work better with or without music? What are you listening to while you work? 26) What was your first-ever job? 27) What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken in your career? How do you feel about having taken it? 28) What’s something your team is good at? 29) Where did you grow up, and what was it like? 30) What’s one of your pet peeves? 31) If you could describe your life as a movie, what genre would it be? 32) Have you ever gone way out of your comfort zone? Tell us about it! 33) What’s one small thing or practice that has vastly improved your quality of life? 34) What’s the quality you cherish most about one of your closest friends? 35) What question do you wish people would ask you? 36) What is one thing we would never guess about you? 37) What never fails to make you laugh? 38) If you're bored, what's your go-to activity?

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