Marketing - the activity and process of creating, communicating, delivering and promoting products and services to customers. , Digital marketing - The act of marketing products or services through online sites and platforms., Marketing Mix - The blend of products, promotion, distribution, and pricing strategies to fit a defined target market. , Marketing Concept - Company wide consumer orientation to promote long-run succes. , Advertising - paid non personal communication usually targeted at large numbers of potential customers., Promotion - Function of informing, persuading, and influencing a purchase decision., Real-time marketing - is creating a strategy focused on current, relevant trends and immediate feedback from customers, CX customer experience - is creating a strategy focused on currnet, relevant trends and immediate feedback from customers., Marketing automation - refers to software platforms and technologies that organizations use to more effectively market on multiple channels online and automate repetitive tastes., Location based marketing - is a direct marketing strategy that uses a mobile device's location to alert the device's owner about an offering from a nearby business, cloud computing - the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer, software as a service - is a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet, brand - : name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some combination that identifies a products of one company and differentiates them from competitors offerings, brand postinoning - A marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct position, relative to competing brands, brand equiality - added value that a respected and successful name gives to a product, Brand value - is merely the sum total of how much extra people will pay, or how often they choose, the expectations, memories, stories and relationships of one brand over the alternatives, brand recognition - the extent to which a consumer can correctly identify a particular product or service just by viewing the product or service's logo, tagline, packaging or advertising campaign, Brand preference - : is when you choose a specific company's product or service when you have other, equally priced and available options, Brand loyalty - the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands, Trademarks - a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use, as representing a company or product, Copyright - the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same, marketing segmentation - is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based on different characteristics, demographics - statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it, pyschographics - the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research, behavioristic - is market segmentation based on differences in the consumption behavior of different groups of consumers, taking into account their lifestyles, patterns of buying and using, patterns of spending money and time, and similar factors, geographic - segmenting a market by area, such as cities, counties, regions, countries, and international regions. You can also break a market down into rural, suburban and urban areas., Sociographic - taking the target market down to the level of the individual, where they determine the specific values, attitudes, friends, hobbies, passions, and social media platforms or groups that an individual belongs to, digtal marketing funnel - : Is to attract, convert, close, and Delight, attract - To entice your target market to visit your site, convert - to turn viewers into customers, close - to make customers into paying members, subscribers, or customers, delight - to make customer into digital advertiser in the form of reviews, shares, and hashtags, paid media - Media that the company has paid to be created as advertising, earned media - Media that fans of the company or product have created and shared, owned media - Official media that the company has posted on their websites, blogs or official pages, SEO - Search Engine Optimization: strategies that will increase the likelihood of your website appearing higher in a browsers results when keywords are searched, top level domain - The final portion of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), commonly known as a website address. (Ex. .com, .org, .net, .gov, .edu, .mil, .it, Data management - : is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users,
first 38 of Digital marketing vocab By Zack and Christian
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