pwd - Displays the path of the current directory on the screen. pwd stands for print working directory., ip - Displays or changes IP configuration settings., ls - Displays a list of files and subdirectories that exist within a directory., --help - Displays a brief summary of how to use the command., bash - Starts a new Bourne-again shell (bash) session., man - Displays the manual page for a command. It's very similar to the help screen, but it provides more detail. Use the Q key to quit and go back to the shell prompt., info - Displays more extensive documentation about the command. Use the Q key to quit and go back to the shell prompt., cd - Changes directories in the file system. For example, to change to the /home directory in the file system, you would enter cd /home at the shell prompt., cp - Copies files and directories from one location in the file system to another., mv - Moves and/or renames files and directories from one location or name to another., rm - Deletes files and directories from the file system, cat - Displays the contents of a text file on the screen., less - Displays the contents of a text file on the screen, pausing the output one screen at a time., head - Displays the first few lines of a text file on the screen, tail - Displays the last few lines of a text file on the screen., vi/vim - Edits the contents of a text file., su - Allows you to switch user accounts., shutdown - Shuts down or reboots the system in a secure manner.,
PC PRO Ch. 9 Linux Shell Commands
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