Nighthawks - Edward Hopper. Inspired by a restaurant in NYC , three customers sit opposite the server. "I was painting the loneliness of a large city", Antibodies - "Y"-shaped proteins, which are conjugated to fluorescent dyes in immunostaining techniques, bind to target molecules to provoke immune responses., Break dancing - 2024 Paris Olympics will include the debut of this dancing sport, common moves include "helicopters" and "headspins", Interference - Waves of light combine constructively or destructively, The Color Purple - a girl named Celie is abused by her father Alphonso. The novel is a Pultizer Prize winner by Alice Walker., Antoine Lavoisier - French chemistry considered the father of Chemistry. Stated the Law of conservation of mass, was guillotined in 1794., Delmarva Peninsula - The pormanteau word of three different states. , Yiddish language - Language that has elements taken from Hebrew and Aramaic. Word "shande" for scandal and "klutz" for clumsy person comes from this language., William Cullen Bryant - 19-th century poet described the "innumerable caravan" of the dead in his poem "Thanatopsis", Alex Jones - This conspiracy theorist was ordered to pay 965 million dollars in damages for spreading lies about the Sandy Hook shooting, Kaaba - Muhammad and his followers removed idols of Arabian gods from this building, which Muslims circle seven times during hajj, Sappho - This women wrote the "Brothers Poem" which was preserved on a papyrus fragment. She lived around 600BC on the Greek island Lesbos.., Whamm and Look Mickey - Roy Lichtenstein, an American pop artist painted in a comic-inspired style , Iowa - The state that hosted the 2021 and 2022 Major League Baseball game at the Field of Dreams, which is named for a baseball movie set ., Alabama - This state will host, in 2024, at the oldest ballpark, Rickwood Field a match up of the Giants and Cardinals. Willie Mays played for the Birmingham Black Barons here from 1948-1950.,
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