1) Accented AR says /ar/.  Which words have that sound?  a) carpet b) calendar c) argument d) careless e) cardinal f) prepare 2) Unaccented AR at the end of a multi-syllable word says /er/. Which words have that sound?  a) appear b) vicar c) stellar d) briar e) altar f) seminar 3) ARD at the end of a multi-syllable word always says /ERD/. Which words have that sound? a) lanyard b) lizard c) farmyard d) mudguard e) scabbard f) standard 4) Bossy W only bosses when it's accented. Which words are being bossed and have the /war/ sound? a) award b) steward c) awkward d) wardrobe 5) EAR has three sounds. To remember them, we say a) Hear earthworm tears b) Hear Earl swear. c) Earl's pearly bear  6) If you don't know which way to spell the EAR sound, look it up using  a) ear b) eer c) air 7) If you don't know which way to spell the AIR sound, look it up using a) ear b) are c) air 8) Which pairs have the same Vowel-R sounds? a) yearn, search b) tearful, weary c) beard, heard d) spearmint, clearest 9) Which prefixes are correct? a) PARA- similar to or assistant to b) TRANS - across c) PRE - again d) SUB - smaller or below e) OVER - over the top or too much f) INTER - across 10) AR has different sounds. It says AIR when accented and followed by a vowel. Which words have AR and say AIR? a) parent b) margin c) clarify d) aromatic e) quartz 11) ER can sometimes say AIR when it's followed by a vowel and is accented. Which words have ER and say AIR. a) opera b) herald c) feral d) merit e) erase f) serenade 12) ARY says AIRY when at the end of a word. Which words have the AIRY sound? a) topiary b) necessary c) military d) delusionary e) dictionary f) every 13) ORY usually says ORY when at the end of a word. Which words have the ORY sound? a) territory b) advisory c) category d) flooring 14) Accented AR + R and ER + R both say AIR. Which words have the AIR sound? (Why don't the others?) a) warranty b) merriment c) quarrel d) farrier e) terrorist f) ferret 15) The prefix IR means not. IR+ R says EAR. Which words have the EAR sound with IRR or mean "not" something? a) irregular b) mirroring c) stirring d) cirrus e) irresistible

Barton Review 7.7-7.11

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