Console - to give comfort and sympathy to someone who is sad or disappointed, Envy - jealous, Excel - to be extremely good at something, Appeased - to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe, Stern - firm, strict, or uncompromising, Dissatisfied - not feeling happy, Discontentment - the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something, Hauling - to pull, drag or load with effort, Rap - Act of criticizing or blaming someone or something, Psychologist - Scientist who studies the mind, Mull - To think about slowly and carefully, Intelligence - The ability to learn or understand, Electrodes - Small sensors, Scalp - The skin on the top of your head where hair grows, Bombard - To attack, Debate - An organized argument, Convention - A meeting, usually of a particular group, Boasted - To praise oneself, Bustling - Busy, Navigable - Deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to ships, Vague - Not clearly understood, Nostalgia - A feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past, Meticulously - Extremely or overly careful in thinking about or dealing with small details, Fascinated - Something you find it very interesting, Constellations - A group of stars, Extrasolar - Existing outside the solar system., Astronomers - A scientist who studies the objects in the sky, including planets, galaxies, black holes, and stars, Transit - Passing through or over, Porridge - A soft food made by boiling meal of grains or legumes in milk or water until thick, Imprint - To mark by or as if by pressure, Molecules - The smallest unit of a substance that has all the properties of that substance, Clenched - Hold tight, Soar - Fly, Tense - Nervous, Dainty - Small and Pretty, Commenced - Began, Whisked - Rushed, Prosperous - Successful, Mystifying - Confusing, Anguish - Distress,

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