Like a red… - Como una flor roja, Like a curious _____ - Como un mono curioso, With the confidence of a _____ - Con la confianza de ____, Confusing like a - …: puzzle that is missing a piece., Difficult like crossing a _____ - Dificil como cruzar el mar, Like a squeaky _____ - …mouse, With bulging cheeks like a - chipmunk, Comforted by a voice as soft as a blanket - Comoda como una frazada, Shiny like a diamond - Brillante como un diamante, With beauty as inspiring as a colorful rainbow - Con belleza inspiradora como un arcoiris, Stiffening like a straight ___ - …ruler, arrow, or chopstick , Bouncing with excitement like a… - …beachball., as round as a... - basketball, popping like a ____ - popcorn machine, As proud as a champion - Orgulloso, like the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard - Annoying or irritating, With the determination of - an athlete, As _____ as a _____ - Strong (fuerte como)..., Light as - a feather (una pluma), Relieved like - someone who finally found a lost…, Smooth like _____ - silky satin, As tall as _____ - a skyscraper, Unique like the shape of a snowflake - Unico como un copo de nieve, As still as a _______ - plant sitting on a shelf, Like a welcoming, bright - smile (sonrisa),
Descriptive Comparisons
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