kimono - traditional Japanese robe-like garment with wide sleeves and a broad sash, immigrated - the process of moving to a new country, with plans to live there permanently, immigrants - People who permanently move to a country where they were not born, emigrant - someone who leaves the country of their birth to live in a new country, homeland - a person's or a people's native land, usually where they were born, journey - a very long trip, voyage - long trip, especially by sea or though outer space, explore - to look at (something) in a careful way to learn more about it, astonished - surprised, bewildered - confused, longing - desire (for something), childhood - period of time when one is a child, foreigner - a person who is from a foreign country, nationality - condition of being a citizen or a particular nation, homesick - longing for home and family while absent from them, ethnicity - condition of belinging to a group with a shared language, history, or culture, migrant - someone who moves from place to place to find work, narrator - Person or character recounting a story, longed - had a strong desire, calligraphy - the art of handwriting, dialogue - exact words spoken by a fictional character, symbol - object or picture that represents a person, place, thing, or idea, bilingual - able to use two languages equally well,
Vocabulary- Module 3 Arc 1 (Grade 3)
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