Runoff - Water that flows over the surface and can carry pollution, Examples Ocean Dependences - Food, Jobs, Transportation, Recreation, Resources, Water Cycle, Eutrophication - Excessive nutrients in runoff cause algae blooms that block sunlight and use up oxygen, Sedimentation - Soil runoff from erosion clogs waterways and blocks sunlight, Dead Zones - Areas where aquatic life cannot survive because of low oxygen levels, Acidification - Increased CO2 in the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean causing it to become more acidic., Plastic Pollution - Plastic waste that ends up in the ocean and is NOT biodegradable., Overfishing - Harvesting fish from the ocean faster than they can be replaced, Phytoplankton - Microscopic marine algae at the base of most aquatic food webs., Natural Ocean Resources - Nonrenewable resources can be extracted by underwater offshore drilling, Artificial Reefs - Man-made structures used to restore damaged coral reefs, Examples of Ocean Impacts - Climate Change, Runoff, Pollution, Overfishing, Fertilizer, Oil Spills,
Ocean Dependence & Impacts
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