"To pay monkey" - "Pagar mico", "To make a storm in a glass of water" - "Fazer tempestade em copo d'água", "To kick the bucket" - "Chutar o balde", "From grain to grain, the hen fills the crop" - "De grão em grão, a galinha enche o papo", "To make a little cow" - "Fazer uma vaquinha", "To eat the bread that the devil kneaded" - "Comer o pão que o diabo amassou", "To beat the boots" - "Bater as botas", "To be with the flea behind the ear" - "Estar com a pulga atrás da orelha", "To put the foot in the jackfruit" - "Meter o pé na jaca", "To pay the duck" - "Pagar o pato",

brazilian expressions

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