1) "ooooooh summer.. its a cruellll summer!!!! a) Cruel Summer b) Impossible c) Fight song d) Used to be young e) Flowers 2) "This is my Fight Song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song!!!" a) Fight Song b) Cruel Summer c) Flowers d) Used to be young e) impossible 3) "I can take myself dancing.. (ohh ohh) I can hold my own hand. Yea I can love me better than.. u can" a) Flowers b) Cruel Summer c) Impossible d) Used to be young e) Fight Song 4) "I know I used to be crazy.. That's cus I used to be... young.." a) Impossible b) Cruel Summer c) used to be young d) Fight Song e) Flowers 5) Taylor Swift a) WOOOOO YEAAAA b) YOOHOO c) YASS d) BOOOO e) TAYLOR SWIFTTTTT BLEHHHS f) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 6) Impossibleeeee impossibleeeeee impossible.. shout it from the rooftop tell it who that might be impossibleeeeee impossibleeeeee impossible a) IMPOSSIBLEE b) Fight Song

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