Eileen Saxon - a baby girl born in 1944 with "Blue Baby Syndrome", blue baby - babies with a heart condition that starve their body of oxygen; their skin turns blueblue baby., John Hopkins Hospital - a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland., hover - to gather around, Vivien Thomas - a lab worker who developed a procedure to treat blue baby syndrome., carpenter - a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and pieces, stitch (verb) - closing a wound using a medical needle and thread, racism - the belief that race make people different and thinking one race is superior, banned - not allowed to do something, segregation - separating people based on race or religion (different schools, etc.), Great Depression - 1930-the longest most serious economic crash in U.S. history, oxygen - an element that is needed by most life forms on Earth to survive, barred - closed or secured with a long metal bar, Tennessee - the 16th state to become part of the United States, Alfred Blalock - a surgeon at John Hopkins Hospital who operated on Blue Babies, Helen Taussig - the first female heart doctor for children in the U.S., shunt - a small hollow tube that allows moves fluid to move around the body, Blalock-Taussig shunt - a small tube that allows blood circulation from the heart to the lungs,
Vivien Thomas - Blue Babies
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