1) Motor Neuron a) travel outward, provide a response, get messages from brain/spinal cord and send it to skeletal muscle b) travel inward, react to a stimulus, messages come from sensory organs to brain/spinal cord 2) cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem a) 3 parts of the brain b) 3 parts of the brain stem c) 3 lobes of brain 3) pons, midbrain, medulla oblongata a) 3 parts of the brain stem b) 3 parts of the brain c) 3 lobes of brain 4) closed TBI is know as... a) concussion b) fracture c) stroke 5) frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal, a) 4 lobes of brain b) 4 parts of brain stem c) 4 parts of brain 6) brain, spinal cord, nerves a) organs of nervous system b) organs of circulatory system c) organs of digestive systems 7) sensory neurons a) Travel outward, provide a response, bring info from brain/spinal cord to skeletal muscle b) Travel inward, react to a stimulus, bring info from sensory organs to brain/spinal cord 8) axon  a) carries signal away from dendrite b) cell body c) end of neuron 9) soma a) cell body b) carries signal away from dendrites c) receives signals from the axon terminal rom the neuron before it. 10) dendrite a) receives signals from the axon terminal rom the neuron before it. b) end of neuron c) cell body 11) axon terminal a) end of neuron b) cell body c) carries signal away from dendrites 12) myelin sheath a) Covers axon, works as an insulator by keeping signal inside, and makes signals go faster b) carries signal away from dendrites c) end of neuron 13) synapse a) Gap/space between axon terminal and dendrite of two neurons b) carries signal away from dendrites c) cell body

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