mouth - has teeth, tongue, and salivary glands, pharynx - oropharynx, laryngopharynx, epiglottis is closed, esophagus STRUCTURE  - tube of smooth muscle, 10 inches long, between pharynx & stomach, esophagus FUNCTION - peristalsis-to moves bolus to stomach, secretes mucus, stomach STRUCTURE - j-shaped organ, lined with mucus, located in upper left abdomen, size of 2 fists, stomach FUNCTION - grinds & mixes, secretes HCL & enzymes, makes chyme, small intestine STRUCTURE - smooth muscle tube 20ft by 1in, contains villi, has folds, in between stomach & large intestine, small intestine FUNCTION - breaks down chyme further w/ enzymes/acids from accessory organs, absorption of nutrients, large intestine STRUCTURE - smooth muscle tube 5ft by 2.5in, large intestine FUNCTION - absorbs water, processes waste, rectum STRUCTURE - last part of colon, rectum FUNCTION - receives & holds stool, lets you know when you have to go, liver - makes bile, gall bladder - stores bile, pancreas - makes digestive enzymes , mechanical digestion - physical change (chewing), chemical digestion - chemical change (salivation),

Digestive System Exam Review (mostly structure/function)

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