Unwieldy Beast - Something that is difficult to deal with., Gargantuan - Huge, To Pivot into a Space - To be in different subjects / areas., In a Wider Sense - In general., Opening Thoughts - Some ideas to begin with., To be Close to Someone's Heart - To be important to someone., A Sweeping Statement - A general statement or saying., Contrary to Popular Belief - To be against popular opinion., To be Woven into Every Aspect - To be involved in every part., One and the Same - Used for emphasis to show the same person or thing., To Make a Referral - To refer someone or something, not to do a referral., To Interact with a Business - to be involved or to do business., Sticking with Something - Staying or continuing on the same subject., Groundwork - The initial or even deeper work that is carried out., The Holy Grail - A very important achievement, not religious., To Hit Up - to get in contact with or investigate something further, To be More Inclined - To be more likely to do something., The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread - A really good idea or thing., To Break Down - To explain something in more detail or to separate something larger into smaller parts., Paradoxically - Confusingly, absurdly, or in a contradictory way., To Vote with One's Feet - To physically carry out an action that shows their mindset or intent., To Go Down the Rabbit Hole - To get into the very depths of a subject in a lot of detail., To Deliver Over and Above - To do more than is expected of you., To Contrast - To compare, to contrast two ideas together., On the Other End of the Scale - Used to show extremes when making comparisons., A Hallmark of Something - A distinguishing characteristic., A Byproduct - Something that happens as a result of an action., To be Starting Out - Just getting started in something., Top of Mind - the first thing that you think about., Blatant - obvious or clear discrepancy.,
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