: What motivates you the most in your current job, and how has that changed over the years?, How do you balance work and personal life, and what advice would you give someone struggling with this?, If you could implement one change in your workplace, what would it be and why?, Have you ever experienced culture shock? How did you adapt to the new environment?, If you could introduce one cultural tradition from your country to the world, what would it be?, Do you believe that the way we eat reflects our personality or values? Why or why not?, How has your approach to food and cooking changed over the years?, If you had unlimited time and resources, what creative project would you start?, How do you think creativity plays a role in problem-solving at work or in your personal life?, What’s the most challenging skill you’ve ever had to learn, and how did you stay motivated?, How do you handle setbacks or failures during the learning process?, If you could instantly master one new skill, what would it be and how would it impact your life?,
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