hum - a continuous low noise, rugged - (of land) wild and not even; not easy to travel over, sweltering - uncomfortably hot, acrid - unpleasantly bitter or pungent, screech - a long, loud, high-pitched noise that is unpleasant to hear (brakes), clatter - to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other, fragrant - having a pleasant or sweet smell, roar - to make a long, loud, deep sound (lion, engine), delectable - (of food or drink) delicious, heady - extremely thrilling, rumble - a low heavy continuous reverberating often muffled sound (as of thunder), imposing - grand and impressive in appearance, musty - having a stale, mouldy, or damp smell, stench - a strong and very unpleasant smell, heaving - sigh loudly, tender - (of food) easy to cut or chew; not tough, clammy - (of air, atmosphere or skin) damp and unpleasant, nippy - (of the weather) chilly, buzz - to make a low continuous sound like that of a bee, tart - tasting sour like a lemon, sourish, lemony, sharp - tasting somewhat bitter and strong,
Travel (Proficiency p. 121)
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