Level 1: Entering: Identifying familiar objects or places from oral statements, Reproducing words and phrases related to topics (including cognates), Describing processes or cycles by labeling diagrams and graphs, Level 2: Emerging: Sequencing labeled visuals per oral directions, Completing sentences using word banks, Connecting short sentences, Level 3: Developing: Identifying topic sentences, main ideas, and details in paragraphs, Producing short paragraphs with main ideas and some details, Sequencing steps or events to describe processes, Level 4: Expanding: Paraphrasing and summarizing content-related ideas presented orally, Ordering paragraphs in narrative and informational text, Connecting ideas with supporting details to show relationships, Level 5: Bridging: Sequencing main ideas, events, and conclusions in narrative and informational text, Producing research reports using multiple sources, Giving demonstrations with step-by-step details, Level 6: Reaching: Identifying bias within claims in oral discourse, Identifying specific evidence to support analyses of content area text, Presenting organized ideas and information on content topics including the use of graphics and multimedia,
WIDA Levels and What MLLs Can Do at Each One
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