You walk into your class to see them taking a test. You don't know how much time is left for you to take it. You should _____________., You walk into class while the teacher is punishing the class for being disrespectful. You don't think you should be in trouble since you weren't even there. You should__________., You and your partner followed all the steps in your chemistry lab, but the solution doesn't turn colors like everyone else's. Everyone else is congratulating their lab partner. You should _________., The lunch lady has accidentally charged you twice. You start to say, "Excuse me," when she said, "Go, the line is waiting." You should ___________., A group is whispering in the hallway and you're curious about what they're talking about. You only know one of the students a little bit. You should ___________., Your teacher puts another student in charge of reading, then leaves the class. You need to ask the teacher an important question. You should __________., You're asked to bring a case of bottled water to the teacher's lounge. You enter and no one stops their conversations to talk to you. You should ___________., Your parents are talking nonstop about a house they might buy. You need a permission slip signed. You should ____________., Your friend won a gift card in a school contest and everyone is excited for her and asking her questions about it. You wanted to win it. You should ____________., Your family is riding in a car together. No one is speaking because of some sad news that was just shared. A song comes on the radio that you really want to be changed. You should __________..
Read the Room Activity
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