Logos - Evidence-based argument, Pathos - Emotion-based argument, Ethos - Credibility, Political Drama - Author's purpose is to draw a comparison of the past to the present, or comment on policy or issue of the day, Allegory - One story imbedding itself through characters and plot, Ideology - ideas and ideals, Dissent - diversion of opinion from majority, Historical precedent - past actions/decision that serve as a model for the future, Audience - intended or otherwise, those who engage in the media, Dramatic Irony - audience knows something the characters do not know, Situational Irony - unexpected plot twist, Verbal Irony - tone doesn't match the context or words, Claim - Thesis/Premise, Reasons - Why without details, Evidence - Support through the opinions/decisions/facts/evidence, Figurative Language - Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Parallelism - Repeated grammatical pattern, Repetition - Repeated words for emphasis, Puritan Plain Style - Simple words, everyday things, worshipping God, Theocracy - Government based in religious doctrine, Sarcasm - When the tone opposes or adds humor to a serious message/words, Fear/Persecution - Tactic used to manipulate people into submission, Sin, Salvation, Guilt - Puritan motivation and its result, Red Herring - faulty logic using a distraction device, Ad Hominem - character attack rather than focusing on the argument, Ergo Propter Hoc - just because A happened before B, doesn't mean A caused B, Ad Populum/Bandwagoning - Come on...everyone's doing it. , Scare Tactics - "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", Circular Reasoning - Dog chasing his tail,
Test One
11th Grade
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