Fixed Ratio (fixed amount): Getting a snack after reading every 30 pages., A hotel maid takes a 15 minute break after cleaning 10 rooms., Starbucks reward card. Buy 10 coffees, get the 11th one free., Getting paid for every pound of bananas harvested. , Fixed Interval (fixed time): Picking up the paper in the morning after it has been delivered at the same time every day. , Getting a paycheck every two weeks. , Getting paid by the hour. , Checking your email every time you get a message notification., Variable Ratio (varied amount): Scratch off lottery tickets., Slot machine, Checking the mail for a letter from a friend. , Number of punches a boxer throws before knocking out an opponent.. , Variable Interval (varied time): Teacher give pop quiz., Checking the front porch for Amazon delivery when the deliverer is extremely unpredictable. , Your boss checking in on you a few times throughout the day to check on your progress., Checking you email at random times throughout the day.,

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