1) -Я думаю, що тебе б не покарали, якби ти не напав на свого молодшого брата. - Можливо, але він звинуватив мене в тому, що я грала за його комп'ютером. a) -Why do you think John often fought with his parents? - Because they all had different opinions and they said them in an angry way. - I understood. If they had remained patient, they would have communicated normally. b) -I think you wouldn't have been punished if you hadn't attacked your little brother. - Maybe, but he accused me of playing on his computer. c) -If her parents hadn't beaten her, she wouldn't have escaped from home. -Yes, but it was her way to escape. 2) -Як ти думаєш, чому Джон часто сварився зі своїми батьками? - Бо всі вони мали різні думки і доносили їх у злому тоні. - Я зрозумів. Якщо б вони всі залишалися терплячими, вони б могли спілкуватися нормально . a) -Why do you think John often fought with his parents? - Because they all had different opinions and they said them in an angry way. - I understood. If they had remained patient, they would have communicated normally. b) -I think you wouldn't have been punished if you hadn't attacked your little brother. - Maybe, but he accused me of playing on his computer. c) -If her parents hadn't beaten her, she wouldn't have escaped from home. -Yes, but it was her way to escape. 3) -Якщо її батьки б не били її, вона не втекла б з дому.-Так, але це був її шлях для порятунку.  a) -If her parents hadn't beaten her, she wouldn't have escaped from home. -Yes, but it was her way to escape. b) -I think you wouldn't have been punished if you hadn't attacked your little brother. - Maybe, but he accused me of playing on his computer. c) -Why do you think John often fought with his parents? - Because they all had different opinions and they said them in an angry way. - I understood. If they had remained patient, they would have communicated normally.

Family. Relationship with parents; Third Conditional. copy


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