Modals of ability, permission, advice, obligation, possibility; reported speech; defining and non-defining relative clauses, conditionals (0-3), present perfect, past perfect, , adjectives and adverbs; Future continuous; Future perfect; Future perfect continuous; Passives; Mixed conditionals; Modals – can’t have, needn’t have; Modals of deduction and speculation, Future tenses (revision); Inversion with negative adverbials;Mixed conditionals in past, present and future; Modals in the past;  Subjunctive mood; Causative passive; Cleft sentences; , vocabulary topics: jobs and occupations, personal life, hobbies and interests, education, travel, shopping, cooking and going out, illnesses and symptoms, nature and animals, environmental issues, vocabulary topics: social issues, cultural activities, relationships and emotions, customs and traditions, news and media, technology, skills and qualifications, travel experiences, education system and startups, vocabulary topics: politics and global issues, scientific and technological innovation, professional and academic life, literature and writing, visual arts, environmental and global issues, diplomacy and negotiation, functional language: making requests, offers, and asking for information; expressing preferences, opinions, and feelings; inviting and suggesting activities; making complaints and apologizing; agreeing and disagreeing; talking about past experiences; making and confirming plans., functional language: expressing opinions with reasons; negotiating and problem-solving; making suggestions, offers, and compromises; handling invitations and making arrangements; giving advice and recommendations; expressing uncertainty and making future plans., functional language: expressing complex opinions and justifications; making hypotheses and speculations; negotiating and handling disagreements diplomatically; clarifying and paraphrasing ideas; managing uncertainty; expressing emotions in depth; handling formal and informal communication..

Grammar and Vocabulary at different levels (B1-C1)

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