1) We binge-__ the entire series in one weekend. (一気見する) a) watched b) played 2) She has a huge __ on the new guy in the office. (好きな人) a) admiration b) crush 3) He’s a real __; he ate three servings of dessert! (食いしん坊) a) glutton b) foodie 4) We only go to fancy restaurants once in a blue __. (めったにない) a) moon b) year 5) He kept cutting me __ while I was explaining. (話を遮る) a) short b) off 6) I came __ an old diary while cleaning the attic. (偶然見つける) a) across b) around 7) One bad apple spoils the __. (一人の悪因子が全体に悪影響を与える) a) bunch b) basket 8) Keep practicing; practice makes __. (継続は力なり) a) progress b) perfect 9) She’s very __ and doesn’t let success get to her head. (しっかりしている) a) grounded b) steady 10) Hey, ______! —you forgot to zip your pants! (社会の窓が開いている) a) ABCDER b) XYZPDQ 11) Feel free to bring friends; the more the __! (人が多い方が楽しい) a) better b) merrier 12) I’m stuck between a rock and a hard __. (どっちも困る状況) a) place b) wall 13) I’m finally getting into the __ of things at my new job. (慣れてきた) a) swing b) mood 14) After years of arguing, they decided to bury the __. (仲直りする) a) axe b) hatchet 15) She __ on our dinner plans at the last minute. (突然その場を離れる) a) bailed b) canceled 16) Your comment hit the nail on the __. (的を射ている) a) head b) point 17) The train was packed like __ during rush hour. (ぎゅうぎゅう詰め) a) beans b) sardines 18) Buckle __; it’s going to be a tough project. (本腰を入れる) a) up b) in 19) I’m so tired; I’m going to hit the __. (寝る) a) couch b) hay 20) The view from the mountain took my __ away. (息をのむほど素晴らしい) a) breath b) heart 21) She took it on the __ and kept working hard. (耐える) a) chin b) face 22) It finally __ in that I got the promotion. (腑に落ちる) a) fell b) sank 23) All her hard work __ off when she won the competition. (報われる) a) paid b) showed 24) His unexpected question threw me __ during the meeting. (混乱させる) a) away b) off 25) The deal seemed too good to be __. (うますぎる話) a) real b) true 26) She lost her __ and shouted at the kids. (冷静さを失う) a) mind b) cool

Instagram Stories Quiz No.4


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