Lava - I help to make obsidian, Enderman - I don't like it when people stare at me, Villager - I like Emeralds, Warden - I can't see very well, but I am powerful, TNT - When you set me on fire, I ignite, Dye - I come in many different colors, Chest - I am a storage unit, Redstone - I light up when you stand on me, Axolotl  - I can be found in Lush Caves, Spider-eye - You can eat me, But I poison you, Creaking - I am found in the Pale Oak biome, Glowstone - I drop Glowstone Dust, Music Disc - Birds dance to me, Coca beans - I am good to humans, but not animals, Cake - You put a candle on me and blow me out, Squid - Once you hit me, I blind you when I run, Enderpearl - You can teleport with me, Bonemeal - Feed me this and I will grow, Cat - I scare away this mob, Creeper - I go Kaboom when you get to close to me , Zombie - I come in hoards, and like brains, Blaze - I drop something, you make potions with, Eyes of Ender - You need me to get to the End, Cactus - Don't touch me, I bite , Wolf - I'll be your friend if you give me a bone, Milk - You can drink me from a bucket, Bed - I set your spawn point, Water - I am fireproof, Fence - I keep your animals from escaping, Honey Block - I am very sticky,

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