
9-й класс Speaking

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10.000+ resultater for '9 класс speaking'

Interview (TV, the Internet, Mass Media)
Interview (TV, the Internet, Mass Media) Tilfældige kort
OGE TV Speaking
OGE TV Speaking Åbn boksen
OGE_Speaking_Environmental Problems_2
OGE_Speaking_Environmental Problems_2 Quiz
OGE Speaking_Environmental Problems_Sorting_6
OGE Speaking_Environmental Problems_Sorting_6 Gruppesortering
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1 Tilfældige kort
2. Choosing a career / job.
2. Choosing a career / job. Tilfældige kort
Solutions PI 4E Speaking Questions
Solutions PI 4E Speaking Questions Tilfældige kort
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards)
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards) Tilfældige kort
What will you do if
What will you do if Tilfældige kort
9  класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1
9 класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1 Etiket-diagram
School/School holidays OGE
School/School holidays OGE Tilfældige kort
negative prefixes
negative prefixes Flash-kort
OGE Wordformation Adjectives (A-P)
OGE Wordformation Adjectives (A-P) Gruppesortering
Conditionals Quiz
ОГЭ adjectives
ОГЭ adjectives Match op
Задание 2 ОГЭ
Задание 2 ОГЭ Quiz
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality Tilfældige kort
Future Tenses
Future Tenses Tilfældige kort
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Tilfældige kort
Conditionals Tilfældige kort
OGE_Speaking 3_Online learning vs classroom learning
OGE_Speaking 3_Online learning vs classroom learning Gruppesortering
Clothes Tilfældige kort
EO4_unit 1_past perfect
EO4_unit 1_past perfect Tilfældige kort
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Tilfældige kort
Would you rather b2
Would you rather b2 Tilfældige kort
Past Tenses
Past Tenses Tilfældige kort
Focus 2 1.6 so and such
Focus 2 1.6 so and such Tilfældige kort
Prepare 5 unit 1 vocabulary review
Prepare 5 unit 1 vocabulary review Udfyld sætningen
WW4 1.1 emotions
WW4 1.1 emotions Find matchet
WW4 1.1 emotions quiz
WW4 1.1 emotions quiz Quiz
I'd rather V1... than..; I would prefer to... ; I'd better V1
I'd rather V1... than..; I would prefer to... ; I'd better V1 Tilfældige kort
Solutions PI 9E Verb + preposition Quiz
Solutions PI 9E Verb + preposition Quiz Quiz
Unit 5.2 articles a/an/the/-
Unit 5.2 articles a/an/the/- Quiz
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations Tilfældige kort
Пример письма_ОГЭ
Пример письма_ОГЭ Etiket-diagram
Тире между подлежащим и сказуемым
Тире между подлежащим и сказуемым Sand eller falsk
Функция, ОГЭ, 11 задание
Функция, ОГЭ, 11 задание Find matchet
School Tilfældige kort
Holidays Tilfældige kort
Diet and Health
Diet and Health Tilfældige kort
Watching TV
Watching TV Tilfældige kort
School Clubs
School Clubs Tilfældige kort
School subjects
School subjects Tilfældige kort
Pocket money
Pocket money Tilfældige kort
Pets and Animals
Pets and Animals Tilfældige kort
Exams Tilfældige kort
Learning foreign languages
Learning foreign languages Tilfældige kort
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions Tilfældige kort
Household chores
Household chores Tilfældige kort
Ecological problems
Ecological problems Tilfældige kort
It is/ they are 2
It is/ they are 2 Gruppesortering
EO4_unit1_ Past Perfect
EO4_unit1_ Past Perfect Tilfældige kort
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Recommend a book
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Recommend a book Quiz
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got Tilfældige kort
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Ebooks Quiz
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